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Friday, 23 June 2023

R&D Tax Credits


We are now starting to see enquiry letters from HMRC with regard to Research & Development (R&D ) Claims made by clients.

In all cases the claims were made by clients who used the services of 3rd party “R&D Claims companies”

HMRC clearly did not anticipate the spectacular increase in claims being made as a consequence of the R&D legislation & the benefits to be gained.

This, of course, has led to a market place in which some unscrupulous companies have received significant fees for assisting companies to make R&D claims, many of which would in reality never meet the HMRC criteria.

Companies are increasingly finding “that if it sounded too good to be true then it probably was".

Enquiries being sent out by HMRC seem to be very much on the offensive – We think the claim is wrong so you need to now prove it was correct.

The problem is that if a claim is found to be incorrect then interest & penalties will follow.

In the event of a wrongful claim, HMRC are duty bound to consider penalties and mitigation is based generally around the following principles :-

1/ Did the company ( not the 3rd party advisors) fully understand the R&D Guidelines?

2/ How did the company come to the conclusion that it qualified as R&D?

3/ Did the company seek advice from its regular accountants or just rely upon what a so-called “ R&D specialist “ told them?

4/ Has the company ever discussed R&D previously with HMRC?.

5/ Why did the company decide to make a claim? – it is not sufficient to say “ we relied upon someone who told us they were experts”

The core problems with claims made appears to be that they are based not upon true innovation but upon extending something which already exists albeit perhaps in a different format.

HMRC have said that in the worst cases of mis-claiming, they wii punish those involved by naming & shaming them That is  it seems, hardly a dis-incentive

If companies wish to make an R&D claim we would encourage them to check with us first as to the validity – penalties can be very expensive


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