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Monday, 7 November 2011

Another Attempt at Simplification for businesses

The Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg has spoken out with regard to the burden of legislation and regulation in respect of SME businesses.

In a recent interview he was quoted as saying "One Government after another has made it worse - which rules do SME's think get in the way of business? - Tell us what's wrong with Tax compliance - we will listen and we will help.".  Mr Clegg went on to say, "The need for a measured approach is essential.".  He suggests that SME's use the Office for Tax Simplification as a reporting point.

Our View:
SME's are already circularised by numerous bodies such as the Institute of Directors, Chambers of Commerce, Federation of Small Businesses etc and the results of their surveys are already known.  Perhaps the answer lies not in Mr Clegg saying what he would like and how it might be best achieved via another Quango but that he opens his eyes to what is already known, after all in his own words he wants to reduce a burden not add to it.

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