At this time of the year, employers of all sizes are engaged in the annual process of completing End of Year payroll returns as well as the normal day to day management of the business.
Compliance with the regulations is a stressful task, particularly given that we are in a period of transition between manual & electronic filing with HMRC.
The principal form P35 together with P14’s for each employee on the payroll and a form P38a for those on the payroll but where no Tax or NIC falls due, must be filed before 19 May 2010.
Soon after that filing deadline comes the deadline for forms P11d and P11d (b) relating to any Benefits in Kind met on behalf of employees.
As if this was not enough of course, Self Assessment Tax Returns have effectively been issued with effect from 6 April 2010 with yet more stringent deadline filing dates.
The key to dealing with all of these issues with the minimum of stress lies in being well prepared and methodical in approach; allowing sufficient time & especially having a back up plan in the event of unforeseen circumstances.
Stress Management is itself not a legally enforceable requirement placed upon companies but it is an increasing issue within the Health & Safety at Work legislation. Good practice will inevitably mean less possibility of claims.
Health and Safety Executive National Stress Awareness Day